Friday 17 August 2012

Silence & Scissors


No yelling, no fighting, no bouncing around.
No fridge/cupboard door opening and closing every 2 minutes.
No "Luuuuuukassssss" or "Jaaaaaaacccoooooobbbb" out of Andrew when he's mad at them.
No tiptoeing into our room in the morning and jumping on the bed.
No arguing over who gets to push the wheelchair.

No hugs, juice mustaches and grinning faces...
Just look at my sad green eyes

It is so weird here now. The boys left yesterday morning at 11:30. It's hard as Brad will be back with them permanently in a couple of weeks, but for me, it will be much longer. But I promise boys, when I come home, I will be a force to be reckoned with!

No more sitting in the sidelines just watching while you run around.
No more needing one of you to run for me when we play soccer baseball.
No more simply standing in one spot and passing the ball during basketball.

The best is they won't have a good understanding of how capable I'll I'll get to pretend that I'm still slow for a minute and then blow right by them...heheheheeeeeee  **that was an evil laugh**

Before the boys left they wanted to go back to the gym one last time. Except this time Brad had them climb the 23 flights of stairs. And THEY DID IT!!!! Incredible.

I'm thinking next time Brad climbs I'll attach myself, and all my medical equipment, to his leg to give him a real work out.

Here's the boys showing me up:
Andrew doing shoulder press
Jake pumping iron

Luke working his lats

Enjoy the remainder of your trip guys. Love you more than all the tall hazelnut blondes in the world!

After the boys left I gave the G-man a trim. I really am fascinated with cutting his hair. I love going at him with scissors; makes me feel like a pro stylist. I'm not finished as it takes a few settings, plus he stinks like cheese and needs a bath. Once it's all complete I will post and you will see how I should be cutting the hair of all the celebrities of the world.

Oh, but then I wouldn't have time to blog, guzzle tall hazelnut blondes or ride demented roller coasters.

Yesterday was physio. I did good. My exercise tolerance leaves little to be desired lately. Once again, I had to dial down the speed on the treadmill. BUT, I still pulled through with the full 20 minutes and then my squat buddy and I performed amazingly. In sync too. Absolutely mind-blowing.

We got back from physio and this time it was Brad who collapsed for hours. Me? I grabbed some food and attacked the condo. For weapons I had Mr. Clean, a mop, Windex, etc. It was wild. I have no idea what happened. Something came over me, filled me with energy and propelled me forward (Brad's theory afterward was that it was like the energy a pregnant woman gets right before labour, except in this case labour would be replaced with "new lungs").

When Brad woke I was dancing with the mop to Michael Jackson's Billy Jean. It was pretty special folks. Cletus, the O2 & I swinging our hips and letting our bodaciousness flow.

It went something like this: dance, rest, mop, rest, dance, rest, repeat. Recipe for success ladies. Oh and guys too. Especially guys. Grab mop. Scrub floor.

We headed out to the park at the usual time last night and were entertained by the concert in the bandstand. Again, it was weird without the boys running around chasing the dogs. I had to settle with hearing from Craig that the scissors he cut my hair with were the exact same scissors he cut Hugh Jackman's hair with. (Craig worked on Broadway for 15 years and continues to do projects in Toronto. Also, he's super cool. Almost as cool as me.)

Guarantee it was a better time cutting my hair; clearly I'm the bigger celebrity.


I bet if Hugh saw my outstanding cutting skills on the G-man, he'd be calling my people asking to be hooked up with a haircut.


Yes, I like to pretend I have people.

For good luck Brad kept Cletus on his side of the bed last night. He had a "feeling" Cletus was going to wake us up. Although, he gave me fair warning that if Cletus started screaming due to low battery he would likely end up being thrown across the room.

Not if I got to it first. It would likely end up in pieces on the floor. Then I'd be in trouble.

Also important to note:

I am C Diff free!!! Adios my ugly, obnoxious un-friend. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG Jess, you might just have Hugh Jackman DNA on your head from those scissors! Imagine...Wolverine genes and new blowers - you'll be unstoppable Gurl!

    Loved doing physio with you today - you're! Because you worked it!

    So bittersweet having a visit with the boys and then having to send them home - I know they were thrilled to be here even for a short visit and their form in the gym...well - hello Olympians!

    Can't wait to see the G-man's new coif, please post pics!
