Sunday, 17 February 2013

Squat Squad - oxygen free!!!

Remember me saying I wasn't in to Valentine's Day??

Now I am!!!!

Carman got lungs!!! Carman got lungs!!!! CARMAN GOT LUNGS!!!!!

I was at the hospital on the 13th when he got the call. I practically lost my mind. My wish come true.

His call came exactly 2 months after mine. My call came exactly 3 weeks after Mark's. I guess Carman just wanted to take his sweet time.

Here he is waiting to see if it's a go:

The shirt will direct the surgeons on where to stash the new blowers

Moral support:
Throwing our thumbs in the ring
Sending good vibes
Linds and I had to eventually go home to take the G-man out to run around and show himself off (he is important you know). Surgery was booked for the next morning. I was on edge the entire night hoping that this was truly it; that the chainsaw and duct tape would be utilized tomorrow.

I got a text the next morning at 8:30ish from his daughter, Danica, "Walking to the OR" and then, "Gone".

Cold freaking chills babeeee.

We booked it to the hospital and spent the day waiting with Pamela, Danica and the rest of his family. It killed me to leave for the hour and a half for physio (although if I'm honest I would tell you that I rushed through and was done in record time).

Around 6:30pm the surgeon came in to let us know that Carman had flown through surgery like a champ and had no complications...and here I thought he'd be giving them all a hard time, being all annoying and stuff. Oh ya, he was asleep and therefore couldn't open his mouth.

I will now be able to go home in March (fingers crossed) without worrying about my buddy. I will be here for his entire recovery and get to enjoy bossing him around for the next few weeks. He has to listen to me as I'm the one with the transplant experience, right??

Love you Carman. So happy you got your second chance; your gift of life.

Organ donation is amazing. 

Check us out:

We are now an oxygen-free Squat Squad


  1. This is really great news,sending aur prayers,love&support for a speedy&uncomplicated recovery. Jess keep up the good work March is just around the corner.Again wonderful newsCarmen&Pamela. Love Forever and Always Aunt Heather xo xo

    1. Thanks Heather! - Carman is doing well and trying to beat all of Jess' records (much to her annoyance). I don't think he really cares about any records, just about annoying her - lol
      Miss you and thanks for all your good wishes!

  2. Thinking of Carman,and his support team today. (And the family that gave the gift of LUNGS). LOVE, Catherine (Voysey Fourdraine)

    1. Thanks Catherine - we too are forever grateful for this precious gift!

  3. What wonderful news! Thinking of Carman and his family. He'll be in my prayers. Lori

  4. so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!take care all
    love june

  6. Pamela John and i are so thrilled to hear your news. we have never met Carman but Jessica speaks about the two of you all the time and loves both of you. when i got in on Thursday i had this text from her saying "Carman has lungs" i just about flipped. could not have had a better Valentine's day gift. thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

  7. I pretty much had chills reading this whole post! So excited that your buddy got new lungs!

  8. What a great Valentine gift. I'll be thinking of you, Carman and the donor family.

  9. I am a couple days late catching up....this is amazing! Happy to hear Carmen got his lungs.

    1. Thanks all! Another success story; another reason to keep advocating for organ donation :)
