Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A night Out & A Day In

So, I'm a bit behind with the blog. Some would say slack a$$ing, perhaps?

I think I have a good excuse.

I'm distracted by my tall, dark and handsome.

The last month and a half without him seemed to go on forever and were the worst weeks for me as far as being homesick. Thankfully I'm kept extremely busy here between pokes and probings from different medical professionals. Sweetness.

Saturday night Brad and I went on a double date (oooo yaaaa) with Sandra Rinomato and her husband, Gary. The best part was that this time there was NO tubing stuck to my face, I could actually eat and I wasn't breathing like Darth Vader; as sexy as all that was.

Lots of stories, laughs, and crazy. I'm really glad Brad contacted Sandra back in July. We've had some great times with those two and made great memories.

Thanks guys, you da bestest!

Sunday we headed back to the hospital to hang out with the Hamiltons. Carman is doing freaking fantastical; he is clearly trying to beat all transplant records. He looks amazing. I can't believe how alive and healthy he looks already. His face has a nice pink tinge instead of the hawt gray.

We ended up playing UNO in the waiting room with Danica (you must realize by now that games seem to happen wherever we go) and the winner was...


Two studs

Monday we sat around like a whole bunch of lazy - we ate, watched tv and spent some time outside with the G-man. He's been really vocal lately. I'm thinking it's cause he's so excited about Carman and he just wants to tell the entire park. Plus he's pretty happy to have Brad here. He nearly lost his mind when Brad walked through the door Thursday night; tail almost flew off and hit the wall. 

I just want to put it out there that Brad cooked dinner Monday night.

This morning I woke up with my head in the garbage can.

I couldn't get out of bed. I have no idea if it was the stomach flu or food poisoning. Brad???

I had to cancel CF clinic as I didn't want to make anyone else sick in case it was the flu. It's now 4PM and I'm finally able to sit on the couch instead of laying in bed. Progress!

Kristy and Derek are coming today and staying with us until Saturday. Not exactly great timing for me to get sick. Fingers crossed that there will be no more cookies being tossed up in here.

Unless someone wants to toss some oreos my way; that'd be cool.


  1. oh no. hope you are getting better now. can't be sick when you have company. sip some clear soup and tea till that tummy settles. no more cooking Brad.

  2. Darth Vader can be sexy, in a morbidly, geeky, freakishly kinda weird way!! Lol


  3. Just wanted to say I have been checking out your blog and it is awesome! I love your attitude and sense of humor. I am a 34-year old woman with CF down in Dallas. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? When I saw Sandra Rinomato on here, I just had to write! That is awesome! Love her! -Sarah

    1. Hey Sarah, glad you found me! I'm 33. Ya, Sandra's awesome, I'm so glad I've met her and gotten to hang out with her.

      How's your health? Hope you are doing well!

    2. I'm doing pretty well. My lungs are actually hanging in there, at about 70%. But I also have CFRD and liver disease. I've had those since I was about 16, but the liver disease seems to be fairly stable, which is great. I'm married and have two fur-children (dogs). Great to meet you! I hope your post-transplant experience is wonderful!

  4. hi Jess its SHAY and my friend Brooklyn we are at school but our teacher Ms Baker let us write to you so heres a pome for you Roses are red Volits are blue i miss you so much i am soooooo glad you are home i hope you will come to my house for a vist with me i miss griff too love you

    love Shay and brook
