Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Just a few things

1. Carman decided to experience his own Canada's Wonderland right outside physio.

He's such a little super star.

2. Today I had my hair cut & coloured by the fantastico Craig. And once again, he used the "Hugh Jackman" scissors. Thank you soooo much Craig! You da man. My silvers are covered; now Brad can look down at me without seeing an old's a good day.

3. Tonight was dinner and games at Pamela & Carman's.  The spaghetti was yummy...but what was even yummier was laying a beat down on all my competitors.       

Take that, suckas!

1 comment:

  1. Ahem...let the record show that the B-man and I won the first game of sequence and I'm the real winner in UNO Spin - who else could shuffle stack the deck to give themselves a pick up of 32 cards in one go...let the bowing down begin Princess Sucka!
